Lynda.com 出品的時長6小時27分鐘的iOS SDK基礎教學,在這個過程中,Simon
Allardice展示了如何開發,調試和部署應用程式,iPhone,iPad,和iPod touch使
用的是iOS 5 SDK和Xcode 4 。評論Objective-C的基礎課程,涵蓋的關鍵概念,
如模型 - 視圖 - 控制器模式和代表團,並探討了SDK的新功能,包括自動引用計
Topics include:
Using Xcode and the iOS Simulator
Reviewing Objective-C basics and structure
Creating objects, variables, properties, and custom classes
Connecting UI elements to code
Using Delegation
Troubleshooting an application
Using the Xcode debuggers
Creating and customizing table views
Introducing blocks
Saving and loading data
Understanding iPad development
Creating iPad apps with popovers and split views
Creating application icons and launch images