數碼攝影師專用 攝影曝光教學 Perfect Exposure for Digital Photography(互動教學,簡單容易,一學就會的攝影課程)
數碼攝影師專用 攝影曝光教學 Perfect Exposure for Digital Photography(互動教學,簡單容易,一學就會的攝影課程)
數碼攝影曝光應用教學,旨在讓學員學習如何拍攝最佳的照片。作者 Tim Cooper 遊歷全球
Learn how to shoot great photos!
This video will change the way you use your camera! Understanding the zone system
is essential for capturing great photos. Ones’ that look the way you always wanted.
If you just leave metering to the camera, your photos will look dull and flat.
Start getting your exposures right and your photographs will be crisp and full
of detail and depth. Become a better photographer... a much better photographer,
in just over an hour! You can even use your cameras built in meter. Tim makes it
so easy, you’ll laugh.
Tim Cooper has been travelling all over the nation for several years, helping
thousands of photographers hone their craft. A huge crowd favorite has always been
his sessions on the Zone System for Digital Photographers. For the first time ever,
Tim sat down in his studio and captured the magic on this video. As you watch, Tims’
plain English style will cause you to understand light and exposure.